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iSqFt gives material suppliers a powerful new tool for finding customers that need their products, allowing them to build relationships and sell more products.

Through iSqFt’s network of Internet Plan Rooms and Private Construction Offices, find the projects that contractors in your area ... or wherever you want to be ... will be building. Find general contractors who are seeking the building materials you sell for projects they are bidding.

The iSqFt Internet Plan Room gives building material suppliers the ability to search an entire database of specifications for upcoming projects using key word searches. This lets you single out only those projects that require use of the exact product, or even the general type of material, that you sell.

Search for projects locally. Find opportunities nationally. Our partnership with local chapters of the Associated General Contractors of America and other organizations allows you to search a network of online plan rooms without ever leaving your office, saving you time and money.

Learn more about the Internet Plan Room and get your free trial subscription.

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Canon 36" iPF750

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